I have moved this album over to the group photos so anyone can post their photos here in the album. Seems like I was the only one there with a camera?
Welcome to Australia.. may you all enjoy a fun time flying with the team from YFT - safe flights too.
Noel asked me to write down some of the differences I saw between Oz & US flying-- here's some stuff I typed down quickly before I forget-- for your amusement and contribution:
Some differences I can think of quickly:
The language is different-- first the accent is very different and hard to understand for us (and you use lots of funny slang- Strian?) Then the wording and requirements for radio language are different:
Radio is required in Oz everywhere-- in US untowered airports still do not require a radio, and many planes don't have one, or may not use one. Called "NORDO" (or No Radio)
Circuit = Pattern
Joining = Entering
Entering and back tracking = back taxiing (see comment on parallel taxiways)
In US No requirement to call out taxiing--- but most do call that they are taxiing across Rwy XX
Microlight -> should be Lightsport or "Trike" (since it continues the confusion/predujice as to the licensing and certification of the aircraft)
Microlight in Oz = Ultralight in US (Ultralights have virtually no regulations except less than 250lbs and stay clear of all controlled airspace)
Oz required to give estimate of circuit time-- in US we do not do that, but I think it is something I will incorporate
Decimal = point as in 122.7 we save 2 syllables of airwave time (I think you Ozzies should shorten that one up ;)
Line up and rolling RWY XX == sounds dangerously close to "Line Up and Wait" in the US (formerly Position and Hold-- a command given by the tower that you can enter the RWY but not roll yet)-- We say Departing RWY XX, or Rolling Rwy XX
Whereas radio is required in Oz, and it is required to call 10 miles, entering circuit and turning base but it is not required to use a radio at all (at untowered US airports) in actual practice, US Pilots make many more calls. 10 miles out, 5 miles out, crossing overhead midfield, turning downwind, turning base, final, short final, just off Rwy XX and staying in the pattern. In Oz, when I made a non-standard Right hand exit, I didn't make a call-- which is what I would do at a little airport like Oceano where enemies are monitoring the radio waves-- in which case, If I don't need to be recorded doing that, and no one is around, then why make the call
We are not required (in non-towered airspace) to give our N-Number (registration)--- So I don't. For two reasons: 1) No one else knows what the hell an "8112AH" is (why tell them to look for an 8112AH when you can say so much more by saying Re & White trike is midfield Left downwind. 2) Why give the local radio snoopers my registration number??? What if they seem to take issue with something I'm doing?
Few Oz airports seem to have parallel taxiways (lots of back taxiing), most US airports do
Your measurements are completely screwed up-- NM for distance, Knots for speed, Feet for altitude, Meters for cloud clearance, etc.
Oz Mountains = US Hills
Oz Hills = US-- "What Hill?"
You use Liters-- we use Gallons
Not sure, but XC seems less common in Oz
You have Full stop & Touch and Go -- We have Full stop, Touch and Go, Stop & Go and "the option" as in "Red & White trike is short final for the option" (meaning, you may do a touch and go, a stop and go (stop on the runway then accelerate and take off) or full stop and exit the runway.
"The Option" in the US is best used if you are in the pattern and you say to yourself If this next landing is perfect, i'll call it a day and go to the hangar, if not, I'll do it again" it also allows me to make multiple hops of 10 feet into the air all the way down the towered runway at Santa Maria (getting in 5 landings per circuit and very short "engine outs"). Basically the option says that I will do what I want along the entire runway-- it may be a long low pass, a missed approach, etc. all you need to know is to give me room and I will be taking the entire runway at my option.
Your taxiway centerlines are displaced a foot or so laterally from the Rwy centerline-- YFT said this was so that pilots on final would know that if you were on that line you were likely exiting the Rwy-- Our taxiway center lines join directly to the centerline of the runway. However, if you don't have the "Option" then the following pilot should know already ;)
You say clear all runways -- in the US many say "Clear the Active Runway" when in pint of fact there is no "Active" Rwy unless an ATC / Tower person announces the Active runway. I can perfectly legally land downwind on a non-towered runway that others have been using into the wind. many US pilots don't seem to remember this, so when our US pilots say "the Active" at an untowered airport, it's a mistake. We should say clear Rwy 30/12 or do as you do and say "clear all runways"
Regulations as far where, how high, night time, etc in the US are limited by the PILOT's licensure. In OZ it is limited by the AIRCRAFT regardless of the pilot's licensure. For example a Private Pilot in a US Trike can go to 18K feet, night, and all airspace (except class A (> 18K), however a Sport Pilot in the US cannot do the above things-- no night, no > 10K feet, no airspace unless has additional endorsement, no above the clouds, no special VFR clearance, etc. In Oz, a 747 Captain flying a TRIKE can't do the above things and more. As screwed up as many systems in the US are, we still enjoy some of the best flying freedoms worldwide-- but don't be bummed, in Japan, an "Ultralight" cannot venture further than ~ 2 miles from the circuit (pattern) and may only use special tiny non-GA airfields.
Your weather patterns spin anti-clockwise (counter clockwise) so do your toilets-- I knew that because I watch the Simpsons.
Your charts and books have different names-- except maybe the WAC (wide area chart).
BRS is not commonly used in OZ, even though many people fly in close formation where it seems, like an ejection seat in a military jet, that it would be even more appropriate. (See POLL on BRS Use by Country) The majority of US pilots don't fly without them-- though it is true that the Outback seems particularly inviting to land almost anywhere (assuming the aircraft hasn't had a catastrophic)
You seem to have more female pilots per capita
Aussies are more friendly. (also the pilots I met didn't seem as derogatory toward trikes as many US "Real Pilots", but maybe that was just the sample I talked with in Peter's presence)
Yep, I agree with XC, but I have some preceptions:
The language is different - not for you... FOR ME!!! :)
A radio is not required for LSA (light sport aircraft) here, but is very recommended.
We are calling: 10minutes (not 10nm), 3 minutes (or name of town, village, over I am), joining to circuit in 2nd, 3rd turn or downind, base leg and final or stright final.
We are never crossing a runway!!! Our circuit is at 500ft (150m) then you can to see windsock, letters on ground or a marshalls flag...
We are using km/h for speed, km for distance, meters for altitude, m/s for climbing... But yes, is a natural progress here and an International measurements are recommended... Then I need a changed my instruments, because I think I hadnt a big problems to use "your" rate and I would like be ready to fly with you :)
BRS or GRS are not required and transponder has no one trike here.
I know two female trike pilots only, in Slovak Republic.
Yes, all Aussies are beautiful people! I love your "Dont worry...be easy, happy, funny..."
And seriously I miss your: Džóósinkóóu (Jozinko)
very cool ive got to put this on my list for next year. looks like everyone just had a great time.
doug i thought those were sailboats.
XC, I'm still digesting how off the chart cool our flying was this last weekend.
Friday XC picked me up at Whiteman airport and we took off for the Salton Sea. We first crossed Burbank's airspace, then further along we picked up a tailwind and I was excited to see 114 GS on the GPS. We crossed mountains then descended a little to the north of Borrego Springs on the way to our LZ on the shore of the SS, but not before we had a little fun going low and slow (35-40) following some dirt roads near the shore. Over the next 2 days we enjoyed flying all around and over the southern half of the sea. We landed at Calipatria on the south end, flew over flower fields that filled the air with their aroma and experienced the crazy Slab City. Leaving, on Monday, we did a t&g at Agua Caliente to the southwest, then climbed over the mountains and with Mexico in sight we landed at Brown Field for lunch. While at Brown, we shared the air and the ground with
some fighter jets. From Brown we headed over San Diego harbor and the naval yard and then with the Hotel Del Coronado & the bridge in sight, we flew through the corridor over San Diego International and over Mission Bay to the coast. We continued up the coast, landing at Oceanside for a break, then continued on past Orange County and turned inland to land at Fullerton. Quite a day of flying!!! XC, I feel really privileged to have experienced this. I doubt that there are very many people who will ever get to fly that route in a trike.
Thank you Dale. Thanks for going and for taking photos. I'm home now, but our trike is "stuck" just 50 miles South in a hangar waiting out the turbulence until tomorrow ;)