About me: ...nd we like everybody and therefore we can't "friend" members individually.
We're so happy that everybody is enjoying AllTrikes.com and it is growing so quickly. We have big thin...
Trike Flown: Maverick trike with Maverick wing 15m. 2004 NW Apache, 2006 Antares MA-32, Skycycle foldable with 25hp Zenoah.About me: 15 years of hanggliding and 8 years of paragliding. Now triker. Maverick trike with NW Maverick wing 15
Airports landed: KSZP KTOA KIZA KSMX KSMO KEMT L70 KHHR 11CL CL13 L08 HNM NV74 L06 Flew over KLAX KLWS
Here is a link to SkyVector showing the AIRPORTS landed. http://skyvector.com/?ll=33.9679645918...
About me: Been Flying trikes and only trikes for 13 years, started when I was 63 and will be 76 this May, 2015
Have almost 1800 hours as of Jan 2015. Avg. abnut 160 hrs/yr
I have 3 trikes; 2 ea. AC Clipper 912 and an Apex Cross-5 HKS
Have 3 wings 1 ea. ixess-13, 2 ea. iXess-15.