Results for "lady"

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  • A bargain purchases

    A lady is looking for a handbag in the shop. After a long time she pleases absolutely tiny hanbag, but its price is 1500€... "Is it not too much for...

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    ...e said  "it's bigger than i expected". well! it's been a LONG time, if ever, that i,ve heard similar words! the voice belonged to a little old lady out walking her dog, which ha...


    ...pect even more 'odious regs' to be in force, some good some not. flying will never be as safe as 'bingo', for instance (though i did witness an old lady bash a guy with her 'marking'...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    ...turn into a handsome prince! The boys nick named it “Turd- Burglar” as we learned that it lived there, and had frightened more than one lady visitor to its estate…...