Results for "dirt"


  • Topic 4) Urge to land on dirt roads the old ruin or, may the nearby dirt road?   It would be...crashes that involve landing on a dirt road.  It takes just one...airport or emergency. Landing on a dirt road in dead calm trike can land out here in the dirt." The rancher then r...

  • ken and my weedhopper it to the lake. so we did. problem is by the time i took off from the dirt road it was almost dark, no s...a few feet below me! it got my attention! i backed of and landed on the dirt road in the dust cloud behind...

  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    ...bsp; There was no way he could get lined up on the runway.  He had a full tank, so I pulled him out of the pattern and had him follow a 5 mile dirt road, back and forth, slowly...

  • My thrilling thrillogy...

    ...we're not so damn top heavy.” We had pulled off the pavement on a dirt wide spot for a final pit sto...rash a lot, kaboom!”, and I pretend-crashed into the dusty Mexican dirt at our feet, adding some thro...