Results for "conditions"


  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    Morning is the time to fly.   Unless it was blowing hard the past week, the air is clean, still and smooth.  It makes it worth getting up a 4am to launch at 5:30.  No one else is in the pattern.  Every landing is perfect.   This is the time to enjoy 100 touch...

    Tags: intermediate, syndrome, thermals, scared, conditions, feels, enjoy

  • Topic 4) Urge to land on dirt roads

    Trikes are the ultimate recreational exploration vehicle. As long as you stay clear of populated areas, man-made structures, or controlled airspace, you can go anywhere.  The ability to go where ever you want, past the fences and locked gates is the best thing about trikes, and is my main...

    Tags: conditions, maintained, times, practice, emergency, little