Results for "comparison"


  • How big is Australia in Comparison to US & ?

    The Royal Flying Doctors cover a HUGE amount of territory.  Their flight miles add up to 7 trips to the moon each year. We are flying pretty much in the area marked by the state of Texas, and cover a good bit of it.

  • Wing

    ...wind. Cant climb out of a short airfield with it with a passenger Safely. Not a good wing for an out landing either...drops like a rock. Comparison of this wing to Falcon Hang g...

  • Rear of sail

    ...wind. Cant climb out of a short airfield with it with a passenger Safely. Not a good wing for an out landing either...drops like a rock. Comparison of this wing to Falcon Hang g...

  • Tanana River

    ...wind. Cant climb out of a short airfield with it with a passenger Safely. Not a good wing for an out landing either...drops like a rock. Comparison of this wing to Falcon Hang g...

  • View Down trailing Edge

    ...wind. Cant climb out of a short airfield with it with a passenger Safely. Not a good wing for an out landing either...drops like a rock. Comparison of this wing to Falcon Hang g...

  • Blair Lakes

    ...wind. Cant climb out of a short airfield with it with a passenger Safely. Not a good wing for an out landing either...drops like a rock. Comparison of this wing to Falcon Hang g...