Results for "colorado river"


  • Lights at Hooper

    Predawn warmup of my engine at Hooper, Colorado.

  • green_river1

    We landed at Green River Airport where I fussed with my wingtip camera, then headed down the Green River Canyon.  This was an incredible flight, probably the highlight of the entire trip.

  • The Carson River - flooding

    A shot of the Carson River, in Carson City, NV near Hot Springs Mountain (left) and the snow capped Sierra Nevadas

  • confluence2

    Paul wanted to follow the Colorado all the way to Hite, so we headed down to the confluence again and headed downstream.  You can see his trike in the upper part of the photo.

  • Trike Sunrise

    Waiting for the frost to melt off my wing at Buckhorn Airstrip, outside of Crested Butte, Colorado.  The wings don't work if there is any frost on them.

  • little_grand2

    We flew north about 30 miles through a flat, empty valley to reach the San Raphael River.   We followed the river downstream to reach the aptly named Little Grand Canyon.

  • Carson River - zoomed

    Carson River near Minden NV

  • Landing at Mineral Airstrip Canyon on the Green River

    We landed at Mineral Canyon to look over the wings (now fros...eading out an amazing hour long flight up the Green River.  I landed first and fol...pate.  Here is a link to a video of the Green River run, sped up by a factor of 1...

  • Marble Takeoff

    Takeoff over the crowded end of the field at a fly-in at Marble, Colorado.

  • Crossing over to Saguache

    We left Gunnison and had to climb to high to cross the mountains to reach Saguache and the San Luis Valley.  If was very cold, about 30F ambient temperature.   Our goal was the heated pool at Hooper, Colorado.  We just hoped it would be open when we landed so we could warm up.