Results for "cliffs"


  • Flying the Hurricane Mesas and Cliffs

    The mesas and cliffs north and east of Hurricane Utah as well as Sand Hollow Reservoir. One of the mesas is named Hurricane Mesa which was used for Cold War tests of rocket ejection seats for supersonic aircraft at the Hurricane Supersonic Research Site.

  • Flying Eldorado Dry Lake to Red Rocks in Nevada

    Twas a perfectly still day, not a breath of wind. Allowed us to kiss the cliffs. A very memorable flight!

  • Flying The Wave

    Awesome sandstone rock formation located in northern Arizona on the slopes of the Coyote Buttes in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness of the Colorado Plateau.

  • Red Rock Canyon Flight

    Chris, Leo and I flew over Red Rock Canyon early in the morning, the beautiful rock formation located just 20 miles west of Las Vegas downtown. The enormous rocky cliffs stand over 3000 feet.