Results for "class c inner"

Top-level pages

  • Why we have a Radio...

    Why Aircraft have Radios… (Australia)        &nb...the green is the area frequency and the brown is E class airspace. In the area I fly i...the frequency below 8500 feet and above 8500 feet E Class...

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    Why Aircraft have Radios…         In m...the green is the area frequency and the brown is E class airspace. In the area I fly i...the frequency below 8500 feet and above 8500 feet E Class...

  • Notes from "Surviving the Ramp Check" AOPA Webinar Event

    For those of you who missed the "Event" I posted here at all trikes (see "Events" in menu bar above for other great...ur aircraft meet you on landing. (or non-current GPS data caused you to violate Class...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    What to take / things to consider on XC. This is a series of email...w fast, lightning?).  Any nearby class D or higher airport can this area?  You can land at a Class D or higher if you have to in...for flight following and crossing any Class...