Results for "and more flying"


  • 11 The Lady & June 27th on the Hudson River.We were flying in formation and I was off...Smaller than Iimaged and yet much more regal and proud than seemed p...o circle.I couldn't hear Barry any more as I circled in awe and tears...tinue to park over Maine for a few more days. Right now, two hours late...

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    ...bsp; In such a situation, one (the more aggressive / rude) or both po...bsp; In such a situation, one (the more aggressive / rude) or both po...L site for friendly, Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilots, Weight Shift...ders, Microlights, and a whole lot more.  

  • My thrilling thrillogy...

    ...s at the border would be much more interested in guns and ammo, full of live chickens, the flying feathers from which left notion against a winter of Flying Nirvana, I stepped on the bra...; I asked, and I grinned some more, trying to act cool and calm. I...