Results for "altimeter setting"


  • Anna's Flight

    A very nice evening flight with Anna, who had not flown in a small aircraft before. Smooth air and a nice moon opposite a nearly setting sun made for a great first flight experience!

  • Hang Gliding World Record Distance flight - 760 KMs (> 470 miles)

    A flight that breaks a World Record of 760kms. A story of two men setting history in hang gliders- Jonny Durand & Dustin Martin. I was a bit bummed actually when they broke the record-- it was he...

  • 6Th Annual PNW Fly in

    Found this one in the wild posted by a visitor to the event. Wish this guy could have very hot and unpleasant weather (36 C), which felt like hair dryer on high setting blowing into my face. After s...