Results for "agents"




  • Quote "Pilots have no rights in war on drugs"

    Pilots have no rights in war on drugs: A federal program trains its agents to treat the pilots of detained aircraft as if they have no right to refuse the search. "What they taught law enforcement officers and agents was that all aircraft can be detained since they all fall under the .....

    Tags: War on Drugs, Ramp Check, Detain, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), detained, searched, enforcement, agents, pilots, alltrikes

  • AOPA demands answers on aircraft searches

    With a growing number of reports from law-abiding pilots stopped by armed federal agents on the ramp, their aircraft searched by federal agents, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection remains silent, and outrage is building. AOPA is questioning CBP’s a...

    Tags: Law Enforcement, Detention, Detain, Search, Seizure, Federal Agents, Ramp Check, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, Customs and Border Protection, CBP, Drugs, response, federal agents, searches, agents, stopped