Results for "Vegas"


  • Almost big enough

    My nephew Tony sizing up the giant rc planes

    Tags: Eldorado dry lake, vegas

  • I think he likes it!

    Stopped off at the dry lake, Damien shot this photo for us

    Tags: Tanarg, first flight, Eldorado dry lake, vegas

  • Pretty Close

    got close enough to read the serial numbers

    Tags: Tanarg, Eldorado dry lake, vegas

  • Wing Man

    A shot off of Damien's wing

    Tags: Tanarg, Eldorado dry lake, vegas

  • Captain Jim

    JamrCrow taking the baby for a spin after a fresh annual

    Tags: tanarg, vegas, eldorado dry lake, boulder city

  • Beating the heat

    Woke up pre-dawn to beat the heat for a test flight of the new wing. Temps were a cool 94 when I woke up at 330. 107 by 9am. Got to love it!

    Tags: tanarg, vegas, eldorado dry lake, boulder city, northwing, mustang

  • Baby got a new suit

    Fit the old mustang with new skin to the middle aged Tanarg

    Tags: tanarg, vegas, eldorado dry lake, boulder city, northwing, mustang

  • New Old Mustang

    Got a new sail made for my old Mustang 2 by Ron Gonci at the Ultralight store in Hemet CA. Fantastic work and flies great!

    Tags: tanarg, vegas, eldorado dry lake, boulder city, northwing, mustang

  • Ridge line

    Banking a turn near the dry lake

    Tags: Tanarg, Eldorado dry lake, vegas, feature me

  • This is your captain speaking

    A shot from the flight deck while in flight.

    Tags: vegas, eldorado dry lake, featured