Results for "Trick Trikes"

Discussion topics

  • the future inovation of trikes where is it heading

     As a childhood dream of bird like...and distance of faster more powerfull trikes it seems to be moving more in...e atf and t lite sky cycles are great trikes but still something keeps nag...have ideas of building my own soaring trikes .with the goal of reaching ou...

  • Learning in Polson Montana

    Hello everyone. I am very interested in learning how to fly trikes. I actually live 4 miles west of the Ronan airport. Is there anyone here in my area?

  • Trike Tech Spec & Info Talk

    Discuss trike specifications and all technical information regarding various trikes, such as engine type, performance, oils, fuels, climb rates, propellers etc

  • Over and under engineering

    Recent discussion on a tragic accident thre...uss over/under engineering related to trikes. NO WHERE (let me repeat, NO...nce more important than with part 103 trikes.  We have a weight limit...It could apply to part 103 or heavier trikes.

  • Tyre (Tire) wear on AC Trikes.

    My new Tanarg has just flown 50 hours and completed 99 landing all on a paved RWY. The Tyres (Tires) are all but buggered. Most disapointing. The Tyre is DELI type m...

  • mud/rock flaps?

    Has anyone rigged up a mud flap or gravel deflector for their Tanarg? Or seen p...elly and I'm worried about my prop... I've heard that most prop strikes on trikes come from rocks thrown up by...

  • Passenger Endorsement... CHECK!

    Today I sent a message to that instructor bloke that sits in the back seat, askin...when I got up this morning.  Nobody did! Apparently you can't fly trikes in these winds and turbulence...

  • Continuous Dynamic Prop Balancer

    THIS Balance Masters product line has been around for a while, but I didn't k...bsp; Several skeptics standing around suddenly jumped in line to balance their trikes too, and were amazed as well....

  • Flying the Air Creation Tanarg!

    This is a copy of some question that Henry asked me. Hi Henry, Don'...o it. I love it and it handles like a dream. But it is different to the onther Trikes I have flown. The rough stuff...