Results for "Thermal"


  • A few thousand El Mirage above in a thermal

    These midday desert tows were the rowdiest I'd ever been on - a complete roller coaster !!  ;)

  • Pyramid Ridgeline

    I followed this ridge, riding thermal lift all the way to the top of the pyramid again.

  • Resting

    My Tanarg and Lauren's Northwing tied down and resting for a lunch break. Never know when a thermal will swing in and pick up a trike, almost happened to two trikes later that day (not these 2)

  • Meteor Crater

    We flew out to Winslow Arizona for our first stop of the day.   We refueled and scarfed down an sandwitch and headed out again.  A few miles to the west was Meteor Crater.  I circled over the crater which was a strong fun thermal generator now at 2pm.