Results for "Takeoff"


  • IMG_4704

    Brings nose up to stock angle (larger tires on back) decreased Takeoff roll out which really helps in my case flying a Mako wing that requires a loooong roll out. 

  • Touch and goes at Minden

    At Minden airport I do a touch and go, takeoff climb to the right, Bob does a touch and go all on one runway

  • Sunrise Taxi

    ...t.  He promised his wife with a new baby he would be home before noon.   Paul and I taxied to the far uphill end of the runway for takeoff, directly into the sun. S...

  • The REV

    ...alone ultralight. I had no idea what to expect. The plan was to just takeoff, fly to the end of the runway...our friend, Wes go for his first flight. Larry told me to “just takeoff and land like you do in the R...

  • Takeoff from Mexican Mountain

    When I preflighted my trike, I noticed a very thin layer of frost on my wings.  I knew frost on the wing was less than ideal, but I took off anyway.  I'll nev...

  • Landing at Mineral Airstrip Canyon on the Green River amazing hour long flight up the Green River.  I landed first and followed Paul out of there.   I wish I had my camera running before takeoff because I would have captured...