Results for "Slovakia"


  • Dear visitors

    Toucan Roy and his beautiful wife Lou were in Slovakia and they visited me. I spent a nice time with them.

  • WUFI 2016

    WUFI 2016 day. Europe, Slovakia, Dubova airport - LZDV. I had nice 3 flights with new people. Video will coming soon

  • Are there more balloons than trikes

    ...I am guessing there are more Trikes by a long shot. A quick survey please folks! How many registered trikes are in: Australia, USA, Britain, Slovakia and elsewhere? I thought we w...

  • My father Jozef "Dedenko" Sajan

    ...dynamics, meteorology, flight mechanics. It was a period full of bruises and broken pipes. His hang glider was one of the firsts in the Slovakia. 1982 - hang gliding inst...