Results for "Rats with Wings"

Discussion topics

  • Bat-Like (not bird-like): Bats inspire 'micro air vehicle' designs

    Researchers study bat wings for "micro air vehicle" designs  Researchers at Virginia Tech are going batty with inspiration. The research...ot; designs on the flapping motion of fruit bat wings. "Typically, bats are ve...

  • Wing Fold back problems

    It is Saturday January 25th. I...always alone I had to come up with a way to fold back my wing al...he same place, which is level with the ground, my wing frame memb...s with those blades under the wings. This is not what happens...d tore a six inch hole as the wings both went BELOW the 10 and 2...

  • Flap artists: Birds sync wing beats in V formation - Do you formation guys at YFT feel this?

    The next time you see birds flying in a V, consider this: A new study says they choreograph the flapping of their wings with exquisite precision to help them on their way. Cool article and video HERE

  • Flying the Air Creation Tanarg!

    This is a copy of some question that...flight. I did compare the XT-912 Arrow with the Tanarg B13 in the same co...on that Chris has let fly his aircraft without him in it. He told me that...irst, before going to any of the other wings. All the best Pet...

  • the future inovation of trikes where is it heading

     As a childhood dream of b...performance of a hang glider. with all the improvements in compo...ilding my own soaring trikes .with the goal of reaching out to to the best of hang glider wings. topic for discussion ...aster more like a ga aircraft with a trikes view  ? Is birdl...

  • Over and under engineering

    Recent discussion on a tragic accident thre...flying performance more important than with part 103 trikes.  We hav...eering in the design of components for wings and chassis is important but...bsp; So let me put that in perspective with regard to my Maverick trike.&n...