Results for "Plane spotters almost crushed in Germany near-fatal landing of Transall C-160"


  • Free audio - Approach and Landing When the Air is Bumpy

    Free 8-minute audio by Rod Machado where he offers tips and tactics for landing in gusty conditions. Rod explains: The h...r Recommended set up and configuration for landing...the new "Rod Machado's How to Fly an Airplane...

  • Topic 2) early morning itis

    Morning is the time to fly.   Unless it was blowing in the pattern.  Every landing is perfect.   This...liminate any apprehension about landing.  Your confidence the pattern, fatal crash on landing....e pattern and he made a perfect landi...

  • Topic 3: Leaving the pattern to early

    Topic 3) Leaving the pattern to early...he checklist. This failure is almost always due to some last minute...wo full power run ups and one landing jostle on your trike to shake...sp; He made a great emergency landing in the desert, then had to...just a little bit too far and almost m...

  • Topic 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff

    This is from my own personal reflection. When I first learned how...taking off was no problem, but landing was scary.   It row that I started to enjoy landings.  It was much later, tw...f pilots who are more scared of landing...sp;  Have an engine out on landi...

  • Topic 4) Urge to land on dirt roads

    Trikes are the ultimate recreational exploration vehicle. As long...motivation for flying. You feel almost super human flying a trike.&nb...about many crashes that involve landing on a dirt road.  It take...t; bragging rights you get from landing...learned this the hard way after landi...