Results for "Pelican"








  • Wesley the Owl- because we were discussing Bird-Like flight

    Did anyone see "Winged Migration" ?? Filmed from a trike about birds and their spectacular migrations!!! In the "making of" extras on the DVD they show Pelicans cuddling up in their handlers arms afraid of lighting, etc. (there's a trailer My mom sent me Wesley's video today. Don't kill me...

    Tags: Wesley, Owl, Winged Migration, Pelican, Bird Like Flight

  • Orphaned Pelican Learns To Fly - GoPro Video of the Day

    Hopefully to take our minds off, lighten our spirits some. A kindred spirit learns to fly. Beautiful and amazing. "Abandoned by his flock, Bigbird the pelican stumbled ashore after a storm and was taken in by the staff of Greystoke Mahale in Tanzania. Watch as Bigbird learns to fly for the f...

    Tags: Pelican, GoPro, Tanzania, Learning to fly