Results for "P-51"


  • Tuskegee Airman Booth-- With Surviving member

    Ken has my signed memorabilia (and name) from him.  Very personable guy.  Flew P-51s in WWII.  They preferred the original Tuskegee airmen movie to the more recent Red Tails.  Very cool signature.

    Tags: Tuskegee Airmen, P-51

  • Vance Breese

    We landed in Wentworth in the middle of nowhere almost, and there was a WWII book about the development of the P-51 Mustang0  and there was Vance Breese (Senior) (our own Vance Breese on AllTrike's Dad) testing the P-51 inside. 

    Tags: megafauna, Vance Breese, P-51, Mustang, WWII

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