Results for "Neon"


  • Trying to figure out a way to get a trike through

    So, this is Las Vegas / McCarran Airport.  I want to fly right down the Las Vegas strip at night / sunset with all the lights of the Vegas.  Helicopters do it, and I think I can do it, but damn, this is DEEP into class B surface.  The Runway freakin touches the Vegas Strip!! ...

    Tags: Las Vegas, Neon, Trike

  • Crossing the Departure end of FOUR Class B Rwys a few feet away??

    Am looking for ways to make this possible. There are helicopter tour routes through here. I've been wanting to do this for a while, time to get serious about it. Hope to get some video for 'yall soon and score one for triking-dom!

    Tags: Las Vegas, Neon, Trike