Results for "Needles"




  • 2 Frustration

    FRUSTRATIONSo far this short trip has been all about weather and I don'tanticipate that changing. I stopped in Needles because the winds weremuch higher than forecast when I landed an...

  • Trike Flying over The Grand Canyon-- Oct 26, 2012

    ...was a relaxing, hazy, smooth flight with light tailwinds past Bakersfield, over the Tehachapi Mountains then south of Edwards AFB, past Daggett, Needles and then an early 3:30 PM sto...


  • 2 Frustration

    FRUSTRATIONSo far this short trip has been all about weather and I don'tanticipate that changing. I stopped in Needles because the winds weremuch higher than forecast when I landed and I didn't want to continuethat day into the mountains with higher than anticipated winds andfeeling tired. Waited...
