Results for "Light Weight"


  • Strobe Lights- My installation on Wheel Pants (spats for you Aussies)

    ...erburst LED Strobes / Postion lights on my trike. I debated betw...nts. The advantages of LED lights are: Low power draw Ne...or minimal electrical noise Light weight   The disadvantage...o both wing tips).  Less weight  Less chance of wires g...

  • A/C Tanarg 912 N911WB

    A few updates to the new Trike: Sold the original IXess wing and replaced it with a new...power trim control switch on the dash. Painted the light gray areas to black metallic....adio. Installed a Baha Design dual mode LED Landing light....

  • Memorial Day Light Sport Aviation Rally

    The Rally was a great time.  The weather was generally nice and made for some good flying.  There where six trikes, lots of powered parachutes, a couple vi...

  • BMW 1200 GS

    Test day at Caldwel Idaho. It's not a Cadillac but its fun. Fuel injected luck yet. Might do a 15. I am beefing up the suspension for my extra engine weight. My E1 gauge is nice. It give...


    Greetings from Burketown, far North Eastern Australia where Pauline and I have journeyed 3,017 klm by road, with cycle has been too dry so far, so we keep our fingers crossed at first light...

  • Great flying weekend at YFT

    A Great Flying Weekend... With the Chat "N" Chew out of the way, it was time to get so...ped us from flying for a wile. Sunday morning saw a light layer of cloud and still air....the mountains, and look for Kangaroos. another top flight....