Results for "Lady Liberty"

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  • A bargain purchases

    A lady is looking for a handbag in the shop. After a long time she pleases absolutely tiny hanbag, but its price is 1500€... "Is it not too much fo...

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    i frequently trailer my trike, and often, inquisitive earthlings ask 'what is it'?  well, trike don,t cut, if ever, that i,ve heard similar words! the voice belonged to a little old lady ou...


    ok, since some old 'talian guy, name of D'VINCI put out some DIY plans for a hang-glider ( old sepia videos will never be as safe as 'bingo', for instance (though i did witness an old lady ba...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    SPEED AND DISTANCE ARE CONCEPTS: 1824.4 nm in 37 Flight hours. The Bundy Run, August 2007.   &nb...lar” as we learned that it lived there, and had frightened more than one lady vi...