Results for "Ken Brock Freedom"


  • Wanna race?

    This photo was sent in by @Vance from the Ken Brock fly in. Not sure how the Giant airplane got there? Vance was this at VCV?

  • Freedom Flight Park, Lumby, B.C.

    A beautiful, serene area in British Columbia.

  • Flying in the USA

    Ttabs and I enjoyed a great flight to ID22 for a breakfast flyin this morning.  What a great country we enjoy such freedom in !!!  Thanks to all who serve and have served on so many fronts to preserve it !!!

  • Restrictions by john pietri

    this is one of my favorite paintings by john pietri because it represents painting because its fantastical but kinda represent the restriction of the freedom to fly in dreams and reality.

  • Blanco Basin

    It is great fun to drop down to the valley floor then marvel at where you were a few minutes earlier.  The freedom to exploring in 3D is best pa...