Results for "Golf"

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  • Again Almost!

    ...trike and guiding it into the hanger. i was too beat to check for damage, and re-check the bolts, but maybe i SHOULD take up flower-arrainging, or golf, anything not relying on wind...

  • Why we have a Radio...

    ...n smashing through the airwaves comes a broadcast..... "Victor, Charlie, Golf, Cessna, flying near YABBA heard it like this; "YABBA NORTH traffic..... Victor..., Charlie..., Golf..., Cessna 172... tracking 5n...

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    ...shing through the airwaves comes a broadcast..... "Victor, Charlie, Golf, Cessna, flying near YABBA like this; "YABBA NORTH traffic..... Victor..., Charlie..., Golf..., Cessna 172... tracking 5n...

  • When I learned my lesson about Dew Point-- TIWTIWGTD

    ...ease, and then becoming fun, then awesome, then ....  I was able to jump the valley to the North this time (rare) and go over the cool hilltop golf course a man made for him sel...