Results for "Furnace Creek"


  • Exiting the valley of doom

    I left death valley after landing at stovepipe wells and furnace creak. This is looking south while headed east up out of the valley toward Amargosa

    Tags: Death valley, furnace creek

  • Departing shot

    A view of he ascent from furnace creek up the hill to amargosa

    Tags: furnace creek, death valley

  • International Envoy to Furnace Creek

    Trikes from England, USA, France and Austrailia invade Furnace Creek, Death Valley, USA

    Tags: furnace creek, tanarg, revo, airborne, outback, QuickR, death valley

  • The field at Furnace Creek

    Flight of 4 at Furnace Creek, Death Valley, USA

    Tags: furnace creek, tanarg, revo, airborne, outback, QuickR, death valley

  • Furnace creek - Elevation -211 ft

    A photo taken by Leo of the four of us at Furnace Creek

    Tags: furnace creek, tanarg, revo, airborne, outback, QuickR, death valley

  • Approaching furnace creek

    Here is a long view down death valley as I'm approaching furnace creek

    Tags: Furnace creek, Death Valley

  • Revo Trike Flys NV

    Here is the VIMEO link Beautiful 2+ hour flight from Calvada Meadows Airport NV to Furnace Creek Airport and back with Leo Fitzgerald. 20+ mph winds picked up just as we were coming in for landing at sunset! Revo Trike Flight from Peter Del Vecho on Vimeo.

    Tags: Trike, cross wind, Revo, Calvada, Furnace Creek, landing, takeoff