Results for "Flying With George"


  • Bill Hartwick

    Bill was near 65 when I met him. He was a Morro Bay local and was my it, they often set new pilots up with a mentor. Without who's wisdom, many of woul...- he's near 80 now and just stopped flying. He's an awesome man! And...rcraft you love and are comfortable flying...

  • X-Ray Tango Flight

    Two sessions of formation training yesterday saw a two and a three aircraft formation fl...but unfortunately thunderstorms got in the way, and with 27 mls of rain falling in an...e briefs!! Ken is experiencing a whole new world of flying...

  • Jagsy Flies Tanarg Bionix 13

    After flying in all types of weather in the XT-912 Arrows, this afternoon Jagsy took to the sky for an hour and a half in the Tanarg Bionix 13. After doing a few cir...