Results for "Departing"

Top-level pages

  • Why we have a Radio...

    ...w let's look at a few standard radio procedures used in a CTAF. When departing a CTAF, for safety and courte...are about to move. So let's look at the radio calls I would make when departing a CTAF. "Yarrawonga Traffic,...

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    ...39;s look at a few standard radio procedures used in a CTAF. When departing a CTAF, for safety and courte...about to move. So let's look at the radio calls I would make when departing a CTAF. "Yarrawonga...

  • Megafauna Flyaway 2012

    ...ay home. Some aircraft departed to the north, and others went west, but the main body of aircraft headed back to Yarrawonga before heading home. Departing Hay was getting interesting a...