Results for "Glider pilot"

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  • Halleluja, still got my half-million dollar plane.

    Did yiu guys catch that? The guy blows the 'chute on his Cirrus and when it didn't op...hat a repacked Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) failed to deploy when a pilot pulled the handle late last w...


    ok, since some old 'talian guy, name of D'VINCI put out some DIY plans for a hang-glider ( old sepia videos show his 'test pilots' being hurled from the battlements to 'refine' his latest mods) (on youtu...

  • Safety!  Your POWERFUL site for friendly, Trikes, Trike Flying, Trike Pilot, Weight Shift Control Aircraft, WSC, Lightsport, Ultralights, Powered Hang Gliders, Microlights, and a whole l...

  • Member's Life Stories

    (if you've already read the intro jump down the page to ***) Hostman started...usually turn their planes around (land/depart) in about 30 minutes. PSA pilots are excellent in their piloting skills and quick wit. Sinc...

  • TrikeMag magazine now out

    Hello Trikers.  TrikeMag is here. After...nline digital magazine just for Trike Pilots and enthusiasts has been lau...p spread the word amongst other Trike Pilots, that would be great too. O...e about our favourite Slovakian Trike Pilot.

  • Teen's high flying dream lands him in Marion: 3 Days & 900 Miles

    After three days and nearly 900 m...aircraft. Norton started pilot lessons when he was 13. Four...was 12 that I wanted to get a pilots license, I don't think s...omeone so young was already a pilot. "They were incredi...with airport staff and other pilots, Norton settled into a hotel...

  • Cloud Soaring Record set on Airborne XT-582 Trike !!! In Oz !!

    William Olive known to his mates and others as Billo has been a consistent vi...;s journey inland producing lift in front of the cloud.  This lift allows pilot’s of all sorts of aircr...

  • Incident Report

    Incident Report 20/02/2017 at 0845 hours.Yar...istration: 32-4882Flight crew:Student pilot: John Hancock.Total hours on...command on type: 2.3 approximatelyCFI pilot: Peter McLean.Total hours on...Training flight number 25 for student pilot John Haycock was as follows:T...

  • Notes from "Surviving the Ramp Check" AOPA Webinar Event

    For those of you who missed the "Event" I po...  Some Notes I made:   Pilot's bill of Rights:The FAA not have to carry your log books (pilot or aircraft) nor provide them...hich case you don't have to have your pilot cert, medical, etc on youYou...

  • Common Dog 01

    ...degrees. This could be really confusing for a pilot making a radio call, or lookin...or Helicopters the marker will be Blue, or for Gliders they will be Red, but you w...he most important marker on any airfield. As a pilot, the centreline gives you all...