Results for "nbsp"

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  • 610 Clowns

    Hey you trikers, I have created a new page at facebook for the 610 clowns. You can find them here: F A A 610 Light-Sport "Where Fun went to die!" Be sure and LIKE it! Ole 3076398CFI 01-10  

  • "Top Gun" coming in 3-D

    Cool!  Read about it here

  • John's Most Excellent Adventure

      John Williams set out Ju...llent Adventure unfolds.   I also left June 6 from...ERFACE IN ONE AFTERNOON?   There was only one thing...else could I do?!"   So my pretty young waitr...

  • Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost is Flight Training’s Critical Cost By Scott Spangler on January 7th, 2013 In discussing a wide range of subjects starting with flight training, much has been said about the...

  • 2017 Calendar

    OK folks, time again to get the photo nominations for the 2017 calendar. If you have a favorite pic from the last year please recommend it in the comments below, or post it on the site. I'll gather them all up and we can get some votes and get this baby off the ground! 

  • Secrets of Cost-Effective Maintenance and Recommended or Required: The Savvy Aviator #61 & #63 Mike Busch AvWeb

    ...equired?" has this among it's tastier bites of information:  "Another much misunders...The Savvy Aviator #47: Reliability-Centered Maintenance (Part 1)      &nbsp...

  • ‘Flying coffin’ glider pilot from WWII gets overdue Bronze Star

    ...Swenson is now 90, retired as a bank analyst for the state and living in Bellevue. He’s very low-key about how earlier this month .....   Remainder article here:...

  • Gyke Update

    ...How is the Gyke coming along? Have any pictures?   I compiled and posted th...wing on it and your done.  

  • Remembering TWA

    ...TWA Airlines had a daily flight originating out of LA nonstop to London, he had taxied out of terminal...'s attitude waiting for liftoff. It was at that time that we noticed  vapor coming off both t...

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    ...raft have Radios…       &nbsp...sleep" information.      &nbsp...dio and that you use it.      &nbsp...rsquo;s the important stuff.   (Note from Anne: When we...