Results for "Norwegian Blue"

Top-level pages

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    Why Aircraft have Radios…         In my...held radio’s have the VOR function, but would you use it? Only once in a blue moon! …it’s just...

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    What to take / things to consider on XC. This is a series of emails exchanged wit...Thank you for the message and the great photos.  Please see responses in blue below: On  2012 at&...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    SPEED AND DISTANCE ARE CONCEPTS: 1824.4 nm in 37 Flight ho...lief against the sunlit sky beyond the multitude of blue ranges. It was a lovely part...ed for Parkes while the shadows were still long and blue. We have flown this way befor...

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-28-13)

    Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-28-13) CON..., Louisiana (IER) Mar 30 Blue Line Aviation Open House Ral...onthly event) EAA Chapter 59 Blueberry Pancake Fly-in Waco, Te...DR April 13th Burnet Bluebonnet AirShow 22nd Annual CA...(F17) Saturday, April 27 Bluebonnet Flyin/Picnic San Anton...