Results for "Mount Whitney"

Top-level pages

  • Equipment for XC Flying in a Trike- Series of emails

    What to take / things to consider on XC. This is a series of emails exchanged wi... How much was the tablet + accessories (power, mount, ?gps antenna?, memory, etc)...p:// My iphone hookup-- in Ram mount-&...

  • FSA issue 96 - Blind faith

    It's the stuff of nightmares. At a critical moment during flight you turn to your electronic flight bag (EF...s. In turbulent conditions, portable EFBs need to be attached to an engineered mount,...

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-14-13)

    ...15-16 BARF Fly-in/camp-out/meeting Lake Whitney (F50) Lake Whitney State Park Airport Texas (F...Vidalia, Louisiana June 8 or 15 Rocky Mountain Hi-fly fly in MACK aiport C...TS USING WAYPOINTS, 21 CARD GAME, ARCHERY, MOUNTAIN BIKING o...

  • Why we have a Radio...

    Why Aircraft have Radios… (Australia)      & of antenna you use and where it is mounted, as well as the terrain you...go to much larger radios in the panel mount area. So let's not go down th...type of broadcast gives me a massive amount o...

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    Why Aircraft have Radios…      & of antenna you use and where it is mounted, as well as the terrain you...go to much larger radios in the panel mount area. So let's not go dow...type of broadcast gives me a massive amount o...