Results for "Somewhere in New Mexico or West Texas"


  • Weminuche Valley

    We moved to the west into the Weminuche Valley and followed it to the grassy slopes under Mt Hossick. Looking back towards the Weminuche Valley.

  • shiprock_tail

    The winds were strong out of the Northwest.  We had thought about flying up to Bluff, but the winds seem to always be very strong up there.  We headed due west...

  • Meteor Crater

    We flew out to Winslow Arizona for our first stop of the day.   We refueled and scarfed down an sandwitch and headed out again.  A few miles to the west was Meteor Crater.  I circled over the crater which was a strong fun thermal generator now at 2pm.

  • Rugged terrain top view - 62 miles to go!

    Rugged terrain - 62 miles west of Havasu

  • El Morro

    We continued west past El Morro National Monument and looked down on the partially exposed ruins of the indian village on top of the mesa.   At the base of E...

  • Granite Mountains 100 miles W of Havasu

    Here is a shot of the Granite mountains. XCtrike is 100 miles west of Havasu. Should be on the ground by 4pm

  • Ole's "Swim Step"

    Cantilevered platform  hanging off the rear of his RV-  Not a trailer at all.& of HG wings up there too to take on his adventures to Mexi...

  • blue_hills

    We followed the Dirty Devil to the confluence of the Fremont River and Muddy Creek at Hanksville.   W..., later that morning.   For now, we followed the Fremont River to the west...

  • Marble Canyon Pre-Flighted, ready to go

    Today was expected to be the windy day of the trip with 20mph winds in the afternoon.   We preflighted a...r goal for this afternoon was the Ibex Hard Pan, a dried salt lake to the north west...

  • Rugged terrain - 62 miles to go!

    Rugged terrain - 62 miles miles west of Havasu