Results for "flight characteristics"


  • Jim Waters

    Since I've embarked on this journey to become a Trike Pilot, I've met some of the most wonderful people I've ever...pleasure of knowing.Jim Waters is among them. A man who was passionate about flight, and was...

  • Glen Canyon Dam

    I took a couple hour nap back at the motel room.   Around 5pm, we climbed back in our trikes for a sunset flight.  We climbed up and flew over to the Glen Canyon Dam

  • Ca coast near Santa Barbara

    Morning flight on Ca coast near Santa Barbara

  • Feel of the controls

    getting the feel of the controls for the first flight

  • dirtydevil1

    Saturdau, October 6, 2013. I woke up early, washed down a granola bar with a can of Coke Zero for breakfas...The Canyon became too narrow with too many blind corners for a low level flight.  W...

  • WSC Aircraft Flying Handbook

    FAA “Weight-Shift Control Flying Handbook” has more detailed and comprehensive information specifically on the trike.  This book is ground school for aeronautical knowledge plus the “Flight Training” book.

  • In amongst them

    Another flight up to 13,999 ft.  This time over 3 deep valleys carved into a  12,500 ft high plateau.  I was high in the tiny spaceship cockpit of a my tr...

  • Hooper's Pool

    We made it to Hooper's Pool and the pool was open till 10pm that night!  Yaba daba doo!  The main F and hot soak pool was 105F.  I needed it to warm up after the cold flight across t...

  • Ian passes his licence test

    Ian passes his licence test.... What a great weekend for Ian. First he gets to fly to the Holbrook fly-in, and then he get his flight test for his licence. Well do Ian.

  • Stacking Lenticular.

    This  Photo shows the height and the depth of the smoke that blankets virtually the entire province of B.C....t from interior wildfires near Tweedsmuir Provincial Park taken from WestJet flight. Followe...