Results for "Low Flight"


  • Jim Waters

    ...e Pilot, I've met some of the most wonderful people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.Jim Waters is among them. A man who was passionate about flight, and was the essence of life...

  • Glen Canyon Dam

    I took a couple hour nap back at the motel room.   Around 5pm, we climbed back in our trikes for a sunset flight.  We climbed up and flew over to the Glen Canyon Dam

  • Ca coast near Santa Barbara

    Morning flight on Ca coast near Santa Barbara

  • Feel of the controls

    getting the feel of the controls for the first flight

  • dirtydevil1

    ...ine, as we were heading upstream inside the Dirty Devil River Canyon. The Canyon became too narrow with too many blind corners for a low level flight.  We climbed up above th...

  • WSC Aircraft Flying Handbook

    FAA “Weight-Shift Control Flying Handbook” has more detailed and comprehensive information specifically on the trike.  This book is ground school for aeronautical knowledge plus the “Flight Training” book.

  • In amongst them

    Another flight up to 13,999 ft.  This time over 3 deep valleys carved into a  12,500 ft high plateau.  I was high in the tiny spaceship cockpit of a my tri...

  • Hooper's Pool

    ...ill 10pm that night!  Yaba daba doo!  The main pool was 99 deg F and hot soak pool was 105F.  I needed it to warm up after the cold flight across the Rocky Mountains to...

  • Ian passes his licence test

    Ian passes his licence test.... What a great weekend for Ian. First he gets to fly to the Holbrook fly-in, and then he get his flight test for his licence. Well do Ian.

  • Stacking Lenticular. the Cariboo region. "Mushroom cloud being generated by intense heat from interior wildfires near Tweedsmuir Provincial Park taken from WestJet flight. Followed by a Smokey approac...