Results for "take off sunrise fog"


  • Trike Sunrise

    Waiting for the frost to melt off my wing at Buckhorn Airstrip, outside of Crested Butte, Colorado.  The wings don't work if there is any frost on them.

  • Sunrise at George's house 04:30am

    Got up early yesterday for some flying. We just did a little shake down flight, mostly to make sure my tri...rrounding area. The good photos should start coming in tomorrow!!! May take a...

  • Sunrise Taxi

    Chris was up first and headed out.  He promised his wife with a new baby he would be home before noon.   Paul and I taxied to the far uphill end of the runway for takeoff...

  • Milford Dawn

    We got up 2hrs before sunrise.  The wind was still blowing, 8kts at Milford, out of the south.   We talked to a helicopter pilot yesterday.  It is always blowing here.   We took off, did a touch and go and headed north for Ibex. 

  • Belen Take off

    Paul and I are heading north into Colorado.  This time, our goal is to reac...ernoon thunderstorms can build,  we left ABQ at 4am and lifted off before sunrise.