Results for "Hudson river"


  • Chocolate Falls on the Little Colorado River

    We found the cliff where "Chocolate Falls" forms in the spring.  No mud today, just some clear water dribbling over the edge.  It looked like oasis in the middle of nowhere.

  • Vallieres lighthouse

    Just to the right of this lighthouse is a plaque to commemorate "The Cockleshell Hero...g the second world war in a submarine then attempted to canoe down the Gironde river to Bordeaux to attack German...

  • wall_deadhorse

    We headed due east along the northern edge of Canyonlands National Park to the Colorado River side.  This fin of rock is below Dead Horse Point State Park and just outside of Canyonlands National Park.  It's near the "Caveman Airstrip", if you know where that is.

  • Special Delivery by George the Duct Tape master

    George flew out and back to Elk River in his fast Astra (similar to a QuickR) to get Henry's spare fuel pump.  Here's the clever way he attached it to his standard duct tape roll holder in his cockpit.

  • Grand Falls, Little Colorado

    We flew by the Grand Falls of the Little Colorado River, which by luck had some water running after a fall rainstorm three days earlier. The lead pilot is my friend Paul Dressendorfer.

  • Blanco Basin

    We followed  a river upstream into what I thought was the Navajo Headwaters basin.  It turned out to be the Blanco Basin.

  • Bunyip The bunyip, or...hology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes. The orig...hology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes. The orig...

  • sanraphael_mex_mtn

    The slot canyon of the San Raphael River appeared a few miles further  downstream.  It is deep dark canyon with no escape. We followed the slot to Mexican Mountain.  I circled the mountain for fun, then came down to land.

  • Marble Canyon, near the Airstrip

    The Marble Canyon Airstrip is right next to the river.  The downwind leg is very scenic, along the edge of the canyon.

  • Over the edge into Mineral Canyon

    After leaving Mexican Mountain Airstrip, we headed for the Mineral Canyon Airstrip to check our our wings, then fly upstream along the Green River with the sun at our back.  Here I am crossing over the edge and diving down into Mineral Canyon