Results for "Camera"


  • Comment on "Salton Moon Rise"

    This was a little later, we were so in awe that I forgot to turn on the camera until.  The moon seemed 100x larger in real life, and the pink glow of sunset on the glassy wate...

  • Comment on "Extreme French Happiness"

    Nice job of photoshop linear blur filter to get the fast blurring background effect. I use that a lot too but it always gives that double image of the car or aircraft, that you don't get if it is done for real with a pan and blur shot, in camera rather than using photoshop effects.

  • Comment on "Tanarg Formation"

    Tanarg Formation... Three Tanarg's Noel C (camera ship), Hedgeview, and YFT made up the formation. The three aircraft climbed to 6500 feet over a large cloud bank. What a flight. This is why we become pilot's.

  • Comment on "Flying High"

    If you're interested in birds and/or migration, you might be interested in this one, too. I worked on the trailer for this project. We filmed the close-ups in a wind tunnel with an extraordinary high-speed camera system.    

  • Comment on "Polson, Montana"

    HI Rick, Could you tell us what camera you used and where you did your editing? Also what wing do you have from North Wing and where did you mount it?  When I enlarge your video it plays more clear than any other video I've played. Great views. Thanks for any comments. Mike LaVergne

  • Comment on "Flying with my wife"

    I LOVE this video!!!  Great camera angles, so fun!  Love it, Diego!

  • Comment on "Brian Harris pushing dirt with his Prop"

    Brian Harris flying his Airborne Outback and "posing" for the camera last week on a sunset flight. He is doing fantastic, we just got to keep on him now to get his Sport Pilot License...

  • Comment on "If you missed the "interesting" video a day ago..."

    I think its a commercial flight. But very dangerous with a passenger. I think the passenger havent good flying experience, because he saw a world around via his camera. If I take a passenger on board I allways aks him if he want to do a photos or if he want to an adrenaline experience.

  • Comment on "Polson Montana fly in 2014"

    I have moved this album over to the group photos so anyone can post their photos here in the album. Seems like I was the only one there with a camera?

  • Comment on "Flight around Rocky Hill in Arizona Desert"

    Hello Henry, As always great vision and camera angles.  I really enjoyed it.  How do you power your go pro cameras?.  Do you use the standard go pro batteries or do you use an external power source and if so would you mind sharing the details.