Results for "Lightsport Aircraft"


  • Comment on "What type of fuel do you MOSTLY use?"

    Interesting article about an Arizona Company that is producing for distribution an 93-octane premium unleaded, ethanol-free fuel as an avgas alternative for aircraft that do not require 100LL.

  • Comment on "A trip to North Queensland Australia."

    Hi Christopher, My next trip is to Bathurst in NSW. We will have 56 pilots and 48 aircraft on that trip. Did you get any photos on your last trip? Where did you go? All the best YFT

  • Comment on "Which Tie-Downs are the best?"

    Hi Kael, I voted for the CLAW but if I could I would change my vote to the SCREW IT. I use the Claw in the GA aircraft and it was the only one to hold the Cessna 180 on the ground during a cyclone. However I only use the Screw Its in the Trikes.

  • Comment on "High Alpha Landing Practice"

    Jeff, the "wheelie landing" as you call it is a standard landing for all aircraft including trikes. Normally taught as round out and flare.   " 

  • Comment on "iFun Pixel 250Xc Kit"

    Wow!  That's a lot of parts.  Is this to make shipping much cheaper? &n...a 51% rule for homebuilts).  One thing is for sure, you get to know your aircraft much better this way, and oft...

  • Comment on "What on earth???"

    Also found a discussion thread on the very same airplane. O the things you can find on Ebay

  • Comment on "My Air Creation Kiss 400"

    The mate i trained with is a reformed Pom, so when we went looking for secondhand to Australia... And ended up with a shipping container with a pair of aircraft in it that Look great, fly gr...

  • Comment on "Change to Line Astern"

    Hi XCTriker, There is only 10 foot in altitdude between each aircraft. The Red and Blue Trikes are the second element that is joining in Line Astern. they would move across an put themselves right b...

  • Comment on "Ding Dong Dell"

    It's pretty bad when your behavior in a sport becomes a nationally syndicated "joke."  Glad he isn't a triker.  Still he gives everyone who flies nontraditional aircraft a black eye.

  • Comment on "Aussie MegaFauna 2014-- everyone post your photos to this album ! ;)"

    ...XX Microlight -> should be Lightsport or "Trike"  (s...censing and certification of the aircraft)       Mic...sure. In OZ it is limited by the AIRCRAFT regardless of the pilot's...nd almost anywhere (assuming the aircraft hasn't had a catastrophic...