JozinkoAeros Profi 14/Cross 5 Sport, MW117/155/167/Sajan trike VW, Stranger/CarboneOne912, UFO/Antares VW, SkyGlider/Antares VW, Arrow/XT912, Stranger/EdgeX582, BioniX13/Tanarg912, Apollo17/15/RacerGTR503, Conquest12,4/Tanarg912

Slovakia: Gajary, Malacky UL, Malacky military, Dubová, Častá, Senica, Myjava, Boleráz, Trenčín, Holíč, Krajné, Krakovany, Piešťany, Dolná Krupá, Trnava, Králová pri Senci, Sládkovičovo, Nové Zámky, Nitra, Želiezovce, Partizánske, Prusy, Ripňany, Vozokany, Bojná, Domaniža, Plevník, Martin, Ružomberok, Gôtovany - Jasná, Lučenec

Czech Republic: Baška, Dětrichov - Oáza, Choceň, Chvojenec, Kotvrdovice, Letovice, Milovice, Strážnice, Kyjov, Frýdlant, Šumperk, Moravský Žižkov, Dolní Bojanovice

Ukraina: Znamenka

Austrália: Yarrawonga, Corova, Hay, Ivanhoe, Menindee, Broken Hill, Mildura, Balranald

USA: Rosalia, Felts


ModelPENTAX K-5 II s
ISO Speed200
Focal Length28mm
Captured2015:10:04 10:38:39

happy smile

By Jozinko
  • 19 of 20
happy smile


  • Jozinko

    This is Jozef Seman. He is very experienced pilot, one of pioneers of HG and PHG in Slovakia. His two seat simply trike is made here in Slovakia. You can see numbers 4 and 16 on his fairing. There are competition numbers from our competitions. He is very funny man and we have a lot of non published crazy experiences together. When we called each-other still we are laughing. I like him. He is like a mascot ours trike flying :)

  • Rick D

    Always great to have good friends who share the same interests. And good humor is priceless!