Montycosmos racer


By Monty

Categories: Low & Slow Trikes

Comments (6)

usual "dirty landing" here in az

Error processing the video


  • Monty

     sorry boss, i 'vimeo'd it but it didn't work, same in d/s, it worked, wtf!

  • Admin

    Workin on it....

  • Admin

    And Fixed

  • Monty

     yuse da man!  it was the landing preceding the video 'bumpy', the taxiying after the landing but as usual, i couldnt join 'em to make one out of the two. woe is me!  sniff, sniff. hugs farts cuddles and attaboys, monty i

    (ps, this was my first landing as a 82yr old, so i was eggcited!)

  • Leo

    As I said in TrikePilot Social, I'm really glad you're ok. Let me know if theres any repair help I can assist with. 

  • Monty

    thanks leo, but all will be well, i'm in AZ now and will be going home to 'rain country' WA in 3[4weeks, then i can start rebuilding the old bitch! i was very pleased when i heard your good news! good on the cops that nailed the bastards! i hope they get there 'just reward'.