Results for "student"


  • Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost

    Time is Flight Training’s Critical Cost By Scott Spangler on January 7th, 2013 In discussing a wide range of subjects starting with flight training, much has been said about the dilatory and disaffecting consequences of aviation’s financial requireme...

    Tags: Time is Money, Training, Cost, training, flight training, money, efficiently, student

  • Wish me luck everyone...

    Tomorrow I am having my check flight and final exam - and all going well I shall be a certifiable... ahh I mean Certified Pilot. Today I almost completed 5 hours of my required solo time.  It's been a blast, and I am becoming one with the machine!  Just try and get me out of ...

    Tags: pilot, training, learning, fly, student, certified

  • Learning to Fly Q & A, tips and Suggestions

    Student Pilots and people Curious about triking--  Post your questions here.  The rest of us will post answers, tips and suggestions until this grows into a great resource for all trike students.

    Tags: Learning to Fly Q & A, tips and Suggestions, Student Pilot, Where do I learn to fly trikes, How do I learn, Flying Trikes, What trike should I get, students, student

  • Knowledge and Understanding

    I wonder if this is similar to 3 axis (GA) pilots learning to fly trikes for the first time??

    Tags: learning, lessons, student

  • Free downloadable copies of Flight Training field guides available

    Free downloadable copies of Flight Training field guides available  AOPA is now offering free downloadable copies of field guides on flight training, targeting students, flight instructors, and flight training organizations. The student guide offers tips on what it takes to become a pil...

    Tags: Guide, manual, book, choosing an instructor, student, flight training, school

  • Jagsy X-FILE

    Jagsy flying the TB-13 at YFT. This is a few photo's taken off a GoPro movie. After flying six and a half hours this week, and completing over thirty hours of theory, Jagsy got to fly, for an hour and a half, in the Bionix 13.

    Tags: Photography, Jagsy, Student

  • Aussie QuikR Makes History

    Tags: flight training, QuikR, Solo, Student

  • Student Photos

    Tags: Student, P