Asiana 777 Crash: Shocking Inside Perspective their training and results seen at SFO
I got this email from a friend here at AllTrikes. It's an apparent insider's perspective on why the crash of the Korean Asiana 777 at San Francisco (SFO) 5 days ago was inevitable and his thought that more are bound to happen. &...Tags: Asiana, 777, Crash, Inside Perspective, training, SFO, San Francisco, Korean, Automation, Autopilot, Simulator, VFR, CAVOK, accidents, totally, figured, accordance, continued
Tags: Jozinko, trike, simulator
Birdly-- Very Cool !! The virtual dream we've all been searching for ....
‘Birdly’ is an installation which explores the experience of a bird in flight. It tries to capture the mediated flying experience, with several methods. Unlike a common flight simulator you do not control a machine you embody a bird, the Red Kite. To evoke this embodiment we mainly...Tags: bird, simulator, Bird Like Flight, Bird Like, Virtual Reality