Tags: RC, Remote Control, Toy, Fun, Trike, Model Airplane, Park Flyer, Santa
Tags: iPixel, Fun
True Glory Three - Ultimate Off-Road General Importer Office, Hangar, Trailor.. RIG!
Howdy all trikers.. We got four shiny machines arrived in Australia this past sunday.. arrival at YFT .. Friday 5th Sept at 10.30 am.. be there if you wanna see a unique Ozzie event.! What's the SECRET.. not sure, better come and see for yourself.. On the lighter side.. thought...Tags: Fun, Flying, Trailors
These guys are having some serious fun!
Just found this in the wild at youtube's suggestion. Good suggestion you tube! Really fun to watch, but check your volume first...Tags: flying, competition, formation, fun, landings
Tags: trike, Airborne, Outback, Rotax, 582, fly, fun
Tags: Emergency, dead, stick, crash, practice, fun, fly
Tags: Jozinko, Trike Flying, fun