Results for "Tanarg BioniX"


  • Comment on "What is the definition of an Ultimate Trike, wing, engine combination"

    When the Bionix was first designed it would only fit the Tanarg and there was no Skypper then. The Nuvix was released as a cheaper version of the Bionix to fit t...2 or HKS) is the one. Much cheaper than the Tanarg Bionix.

  • Comment on "What is the definition of an Ultimate Trike, wing, engine combination" as it is lighter than the Tanarg. I spend quite a lot of time with my Bionix in slow mode as my, but don't forget that the Tanarg trike has a very low centre o...landing at a very low speed (Bionix wing) gives it a short landin...

  • Comment on "We got four planes coming to OZ.."

    Actually, this photo is from 2010 taken during the production of the white Tanarg, the other three machines are flying somewhere in the world today, but not destined for Oz.. We have four machines coming soon.. three Tanargs, one Skypper with two BioniX 13 and two BioniX 15ssss.. WOW!

  • Comment on "New Tanarg's"

    Yft you must be the biggest importer of tanargs world wide. Thanks for all y...ort. Wile e scott. I too like the white tanarg  i myself want an all wh...more details of your profi wing on your tanarg. What difference do you get over a bionix wing. Just looks like a great...

  • Comment on "It was a great day"

    This is TB13 my first Tanarg with a Bionix 13 wing. I now own two Tanarg's and one Skypper. The Skypper is a rocket ship. Really amazin...n my favority aircraft of all. I have had many Trikes and this Tanarg I would say is the best Trike...

  • Comment on "Go BioniX at YFT"

    Hey Henry, I was flying the Tanarg in that shot and no it was only a small bank, but I did a 65 degree bank today. It felt so smooth in the rough air. Go on Henry put your order in for a new Tanarg with the Bionix 13, you know you want to...

  • Comment on "Its the Boss"

    ...d depart soon after for Mansfield, in Martin's new Bionix 13 Tanarg ES, which will be its new hom...r goodbyes. Peter transferred to the back of Ken's Bionix 13 and it was a nice flight back in Ken's new Tanarg to Yarrawonga, in time for a...

  • Comment on "Hot Spring Airstrip"

    Hi Ken, It looks dry out there. I see there are three Tanarg's there, are they Bionix 15 or 13 wings?

  • Comment on "Northern NC Southern VA trip." the real world. I have to say I'm impressed with the BioniX 15. The handling in on the heavy side for me, but the Tanarg can pull away from me any tim...running the same 80hp I am. I'm about even with the GTE BioniX combo, but I get off the grou...

  • Comment on "TB13 and others"

    Yes Chris, you are right - the Tanarg is my desire...with the beautiful BioniX 13 wing