Results for "Rotax"


  • Lift Me Up!

    If you don't like ROCK, you might wanna turn your speakers down for this one! Just out playing on the Jean Dry Lake, near Las Vegas. Chasing a dirt bike over the whoop-de-doos. Please feel free to comment :-)

    Tags: trike, Airborne, Outback, Rotax, 582, fly, fun

  • First flight on my new Outback!

    My buddy Lance Brazil is droning with his DJI Spark and I am shaking out the new trike. Lance has lots of Kung Fu and fitness videos on his channel. Have a look if you like.

    Tags: Airborne, Outback, Rotax, DJI, Spark, drone

  • Top oil cooler on 912 is loose!!

    Just going over a new to me trike and found this oil cooler mount to be pretty loose! Thought I would post to benefit anyone else with this type of setup.

    Tags: oil cooler, 912, rotax

  • A look inside your Rotax

    AvWeb takes us on a tour of the Rotax factory

    Tags: rotax