Results for "New Jersey"


  • 9 Meeting Barry Maggio (Posted June 25th evening)

    Posted June 25th evening: Meeting Barry MaggioJohn let me sleep in until 7 AM..."wake up, we need to get ready toleave in half an hour". He had an early breakfast meeting and I hadto hustle so he wouldn't be late. Immediately afterwards we were goingto the airport to load the trikes and head nort...

    Tags: John, Barry, Lakewood NJ, Weather, Chesapeake Bay, Clouds, Delaware, New Jersey, Statue of Liberty, Lady Liberty, Trike Flying, World Class Trike Flights, QuickR, Trike Flying, Long Distance XC, XC, Cross-Country

  • 11 The Lady & June 27th

    Date: June 27Subject: The LadyBarry and I got up, caught an early cab back to Lakewood Airportand started getting the trikes ready in the dark. We had to parkoutside overnight and so had secured them well against possible winds.There were a few problems but we finally set out well after sunrise.T...

    Tags: Statue of Liberty, Lady Liberty, Hudson, NYC, New York, New Jersey, QuickR, Monsoon, VZ Bridge, Trike Flying, METARS, TAF, aircraft carrier Intrepid, George Washington Bridge, Tappan Zee Bridge, Hudson Corridor, Sing Sing Prison, West Point, Sky Acres, Ellington 7B9, Frustration

  • Jet Fuel Pumped into Cars at 3 N.J. gas stations

    short story here

    Tags: jet fuel, gas station, new jersey