Results for "MZK"


  • Vankovia

    I flew to the Vankovia airfield

    Tags: Jozinko, trike flying, microlight, ultralight, MZK, Vankovia

  • Jozef "Dedenko" Sajan

    My father - Jozef "Dedenko" Sajan and his plane: MW-117 wing, VW-1600 engine, Pavelek propeller and his by yourself made trike

    Tags: Jozinko, Dedenko, trike flying, microlight, ultralight, MZK

  • My route to LZRU

    This is my route from our "airfield" near Gajary vilage to LZRU airport Ružomberok. After took off at first I flew via CTR LZMC (military) next between atomic power station (LZP-29) and LZPP. My next turning point (TP) was Topoľčany city and next was LZPT Partizánske. Ther...

    Tags: Jozinko, trike flight, microlight, ultralight, photo, MZK

  • VW -1500 engine

    My father modified an old VW engine

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing

  • VW with starter

    This is the 1st engine what made my father with starter

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing

  • Naked trike

    The engine had a trial running

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing

  • VW

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing

  • complete

    Antares trike with UFO wing this is the original configuration. Great flying properties

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing

  • UFO wing

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing

  • UFO

    Tags: Jozinko, Antares trike, VW engine, trike, MZK, UFO wing